Welcome to the website of Florian Schönwiese

Florian Schönwiese

Florian Schönwiese is an orchestral musician, leadership expert and the founder of the Pratobello Method.

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The Sound of Leadership

Art is defined by development, creativity and innovation.

Working in and with an orchestra is characterized by efficiency – a maximum of 3 days of rehearsals are planned before a concert!

These two levels are the basis for “The Sound of Leadership” concept

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TEDx Talk von Florian Schönwiese

TEDx Talk von Florian Schönwiese vom September 2020

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The Sound of Leader-Blog

Why Dialogue?

WHY DIALOGUE? Learning to Listen through the Art of Dialogue…

Values and Attitudes at the heart of everyday life!

Thoughts on the art of implementing values, visions and the corresponding…